Monday, August 4, 2014

Are New Construction Townhomes Really Better?

Right now New Jersey’s housing market is really heating up. And with the booming economy in New Jersey, more people are looking for the simple, valuable, luxury solution: a NJ townhome that will make a great home today and remain an in-demand property when you sell it.

That has, of course, led to a huge bloom in the development of new construction townhomes in NJ. Many developers are advertising their new construction townhomes as superior to existing homes as both a place to live and as an investment. Are they right? Here are a few reasons why they just might be:

  1. More space. The reality is that new construction townhomes in NJ tend to be more spacious than older townhomes. This simply reflects the changing demand from condo owners as well as the better deals that developers can get from construction companies after the economic slump. If you want more space, new is the way to go. 
  2. Better design. Today’s townhome complexes have learned from yesterdays. That means better outdoor spaces, more open layouts, sunnier spaces, and more privacy from your neighbors both with better soundproofing and with more enclosed landscaping around your yard or garden. New construction townhomes just have smarter designs. 
  3. Amenities that matter. Every condo complex is going to brag about its amenities, but how many will you use? Fitness centers need to offer a wide array of equipment to replace a gym membership, and condos with central clubhouses tends to develop a better community of neighbors. Don’t just look at amenities as a checklist of selling points, but as a guide to what your experience as a resident will be like.
  4. Quality materials. This is a huge change in new construction townhomes in NJ. The demand for quality construction is up—way up. Previously it was assumed that drywall and beige carpeting would work everywhere. But today more developers know that people value style, durability and design that won’t seem outdated in 5 years. 
  5. Availability. It may be obvious, but this is a selling point worth mentioning. The reality is that new construction townhomes in NJ offer much more availability in terms of price, location and options than trying to find that rare older condo that really fits your dream. New is just more accessible. 

Of course, everybody has their own preferences for what they look for in a townhome. What are you looking for? Do new construction townhomes in NJ or older townhomes call to you more?

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At August 7, 2023 at 7:43 PM , Blogger Thomson said...

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At August 7, 2023 at 7:44 PM , Blogger Thomson said...

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